Footpaths of Bessč        
















The footpaths have always been the nerve center

of the mountain communities.

They connected the small villages

between each other,

the fields, the mills and the watercourses.                                         

                                                                                                                        Map of footpaths

A particularly populated zone like the south slope

of Sampeyre, where the settlement of Becetto

with its small villages  is located,

needed in any case a big number of communication routes.


Indeed there is still a close, nearly entirely complete,

net of paths, that once was constructed after ecological

and economical principles, as we would say nowadays:

Causing less waste of tillable soil, the paths connect two points

with the shortest possible way, or even the way that causes less effort.


It is also notable that the most important paths

are not the ones that lead from the Valley floor to the pikes,

but the ones that are built along the mountains.

The reason for that is, that those paths connect the little villages

with the fields and the mills, what shows the self-sufficient way

to live that the inhabitants once had. whereas nowadays“ people

are much more concentrated on the valley“s chief town Sampeyre

and the regional capitals, such as Cuneo, Saluzzo or further Turin.